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More than 750,000 people in the United States, including veterans, live with spinal cord injury or a spinal cord disorder (SCI/D). Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) responds to their needs by supporting research, educational programs, and other initiatives that unite people and activities toward a single mission: improved quality of life.

Research into treatments and cures for SCI have been a priority for Paralyzed Veterans of America since our earliest days. Our founders were pioneers in promoting research. They recognized that paralysis does not affect veterans of military service exclusively, but can happen to anyone at any stage of their lives.

Until a few decades ago, most scientists believed that paralysis due to spinal cord injury was impossible to reverse. Steady research investment from PVA and others committed to finding a way to reverse paralysis has produced promising laboratory results and demonstrated that, given the right parameters, it is possible to reverse nerve damage, rewire severed nerves, and restore lost neurological function.

PVA continues to work towards alleviating the effects of and finding a cure for SCI/D through the efforts of the PVA Education Foundation, the PVA Research Foundation, multiple partnerships and the Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine’s evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and consumer guides.


PVAction Force: Join the fight for accessibility for all! You can take part in petitions,

receive important alerts on our advocacy work, read blogs, and more!

Visit the following link to participate.


“Let Your Voice Be Heard – Your Actions Today

Determine Your Quality-of-Care Tomorrow”


The PVA, Cal-Diego Chapter recognizes the need for people with disabilities to be actively involved in federal, state, and local legislation that impacts our vital interests. PVA, Cal-Diego Chapter is proactive at all levels of government to protect the rights and benefits of our members as well as those of all citizens with disabilities. For example, our chapter members have been involved with the local transit, building, and planning departments of San Diego to ensure that our city and county are accessible to all disabled persons. 


For the latest in VA News please click here


To find out what the United States Congress and federal agencies are doing to help veterans or to get information on legislation pending before Congress, select one of the following links:

Department of Veterans Affairs

Department of Labor - Veterans Employment and Training Service

 House Committee on Veterans Affairs

 Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs


The Americans with Disabilities Act

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